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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Quantum Classical Correspondence.cmap, QCC states that quan- tal notions should ha- ve classical space-time counterparts and is partially implied by General Coordinate Invariance, QUANTUM CLASSICAL CORRESPONDENCE (QCC) 2. GCI is realized if the definition of WCW geometry assigns to 3-sur- face a unique 4-D surface at which 4-D general coor- dinate transforma- tions act. One can losen the condition of uniquess., QUANTUM CLASSICAL CORRESPONDENCE (QCC) 1. QCC states that quan- tal notions should ha- ve classical space-time counterparts, QUANTUM CLASSICAL CORRESPONDENCE (QCC) 3. GCI is realized in Kaehler geometry for WCW if a) Kaehler function defi- ning the metric is functio- nal of the space-time sur- face assigned to the 3- surface. b) If Kaehler function is Kaehler action for - one might hope unique - pre- ferred extremal would imply QCC. c) Classical physics defi- ned by Kaehler action would become exact part of quantum physics. d) Classical space-time as preferred extremal would be analogous to Bohr orbit, QUANTUM CLASSICAL CORRESPONDENCE (QCC) 4. QCC suggests that a) quantum states should correspond to space-time surfaces somehow. b) Even non-deterministic quantum jumps should ha- ve space-time surfaces as correlates: contents of cons- ciousness defined by quan- tum jump sequence should have space-time correlate. Space-time would be analo- gous as to written text pro- viding symbolic representa- tions. c) Classical conserved char- ges associated with Kaehler action are identical with ei- gen values of quantal char- ges associated with Kähler- Dirac action (in Cartan al- gebra). This could define constraint in Kähler action at the 3-surfaces defining the ends of causal diamonds(CDs). d) Classical correlations for general coordinate invariance observables obtained by avera- ging over points pairs related by isometries are quantal correlation functions., General Coordinate Invariance demanding that the action of 4-D general coordinate transformations is well-defined in the space of 3-D surfaces defining WCW ("world of classical worlds" having 3-D surfaces as points)